Mice and rat are two pests you do not want to see around the house, here's a guide how you can prevent them from stopping by unannounced.
Even if you have good standards of hygiene and proofing, infestations can still occur. If mice or rats have entered your home it will be necessary to remove them. You will need to put preventative measures in place otherwise the underlying causes will remain and you're at risk of another infestation.

How to get rid of mice and rats:
Whilst some councils offer a free service, there is generally a charge for pest control. A discount may be offered to those on low income.
You will need to make contact with the Environmental Health Department of your local council to report the problem and find out what applies in your area.
Tell-tale signs to look out for include small black droppings near food, scratching noises, signs of gnawing and sometimes a strong musky odour.
If you suspect a problem, identify where the mice or rats are living and feeding, as well as routes they take between these areas (look for holes, droppings and footprints). Remember a mouse or a rat can squeeze through a hole the size of a pen, so you may have to look carefully.
How to avoid a mouse or rat infestation:
Cover any holes or gaps in walls and around pipes.
Fix a bristle strip to the bottom of doors. (Local DIY store can help with these).
Use thin wire mesh to cover ventilation holes.
Please wire balloons in the top of drain pipes. (Local DIY store for these also.)
Fit cone guards to the bottom of drain pipes.
When planting bushes make sure you plant them at least 3 ft away from the house.
Try planting mint; mice and rats hate the smell.
Give your house a good clean - even a few crumbs can temp a hungry mouse in to your home. Keep food in sealed containers.
Dispose of rubbish immediately.
Clear up fallen fruit from trees and leftover bird food in your garden.
Make sure birdhouses and feed tray are out of reach.
Keep bin lids closed.
Keep gardens and alleys clean - old appliances and old furniture make perfect homes ofr mice and rates.

There are a full range of products on the market to help catch these unwanted pests.
Be sure to choose the one most suitable for your home environment:
Humane cages.
Electromagnetic and ultrasonic devices.
Traditional traps.
Chemicals - be aware of toxins not suitable for humans.
If you would like to discuss your responsibilities whilst renting please contact the maintenance department on 0161 7733978