337 Oldham Road, Middleton, Manchester
Offers in the region of £100,000
  • Ground and First Retail Premises
  • Offers Over £100,000
  • Prime Location on Busy Main Road
  • Rental Income: £6,600
  • Fixed Upward Rent Reviews
  • Garage ERV: £1560 PA
Situated on Oldham Road, Middleton, the premises comprises a mid-terraced ground and first-floor retail unit.

Available for sale, the property extends to approximately 75sq.m (807sq.ft).

The premises would suit an investor looking for a secure income producing investement. The property is currently occupied by a nails, hair and beauty salon. The ground floor retail area is a good sized open plan space and offers good potential for a number of different uses, subject to planning.

The first floor comprises of 4 rooms with one room housing a fully fitted bathroom suite.

Retail Zone A: 274 SQFT
Retail Zone B: 88 SQFT
Kitchenette/Storage: 113 SQFT
1st Floor: 333 SQFT

The full building is tenanted by a hair and beauty salon on a 5-year lease expiring in July 2024. Current passing rent is £6,600 p.a. Contained in the lease are fixed rent-reviews in July 2020 and July 2021. In July 2020, the rent will rise to £7,200 p.a. and in July 2021 to £8,400 p.a.

There is a garage located at the rear of the premises with an estimated rental value of £1,560 p.a.

The property could be converted to include a 1st floor flat or to convert the entire premises back to a 2 bedroom house (subject to necessary planning).